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Company Information

Corporate Profile

Company name Hitachi Research Institute
Business fields
  • Research of social issues, like economy, society, environment and industry
  • Comprehensive research and consulting on management issues
  • Insight and analysis of market and business segments
  • Baseline data and information on the above research issues
Established May 31, 1973
Capital 200 million yen
Shareholders Hitachi, Ltd.


Chairman Norihiro Suzuki
President Kenichiro Mizoguchi
Director Mamoru Morita
Director Hideshi Nakatsu
Director Chie Mashima
Director Tsugio Ando
Director Alice Po
Auditor Yuji Nasuno


Address Akihabara Daibiru Building, 18-13, Soto-Kanda 1-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8608 Japan


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