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Vol.16-1 (May 2021)

Accelerating Green Finance: Towards a Decarbonized Society


Digital and Sustainable

While I was a student, I often spent my vacations going on bicycle trips. I loaded my bicycle with baggage, and traveled for several weeks while camping outdoors. I visited various places across the country on these trips, but what I remember more than any famous landmarks are things like the sound of the waves at night when I was camping out on a beach, looking u・・・

HRI Report

Accelerating Green Finance: Towards a Decarbonized Society

Eika Yamaguchi,
Senior Researcher, Social Innovation Policy Initiative Promotion Office, Hitachi Research Institute

According to estimates by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, “the 2-degree target” of the Paris Agreement will require an average of 6.9 trillion annual infrastructure investments worldwide from 2016 to 2030. Public funding is insufficient to cover the large amount of financial resources needed to combat climate change. Fina・・・

Eika Yamaguchi


Intellectual innovation and cities, learned from Athens with diverse intellectuals

Prof. Noburu Notomi

Knowledge creation is flourishing in this era of change, which has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Humanity has accumulated a wealth of knowledge throughout its history of overcoming various crises. Then where is the origin of humankind’s intellectual innovation? Attention naturally turns toward ancient Greece. It is said that many of・・・

Noburu Notomi, Osamu Naito


The Cooperation Imperative and the Future of the Japan-China Relationship

Lecturer, Yale and Brown University Co-founder, Sustainable Finance Institute
Cary Krosinsky

Solving climate change is the imperative of our times and additional areas of social and environmental concern remain unsolved, such as are well outlined by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We strongly feel more cooperation between China and Japan is worth exploring as an important potential pathway for encouraging and developing badly needed p・・・

Cary Krosinsky

Research Project

Current Status of Crisis Management in Japan and its Issues

Senior Expert, Social Innovation Policy Initiative Promotion Office
Tateo Shiihashi

One key policy issue which must be reconsidered in the post-COVID era is the optimal method of responding to emergency situations. Repeated delays and confusion in the government’s initial responses to natural disasters have been brought to the forefront even during the current COVID-19 crisis. How will it be possible to respond to emergencies with suff・・・

Tateo Shiihashi

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